#!/usr/bin/perl require('cgi-lib.pl'); &ReadParse(); $zone=$in{'zone'}; $name=$in{'name'}; $num=$in{'num'}; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; if (($zone eq '')||($name eq '')||($num eq '')) { print 'ERROR!'; exit; } open(H,"../$zone/$name\-lap$num\.html"); @lines=; close H; print q{ }; $i=0; while ($lines[$i]!~/\ <BODY BGCOLOR=WHITE> <H2 ALIGN=CENTER>Egyedi ingatlanlap<BR> <FONT COLOR=DARKBLUE>Allgemeine Angaben<BR> </FONT><FONT COLOR=DARKGREEN>General data</FONT></H2> <P> <BR> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER CELLPADDING=10> <TR> <TD> <B>}; print $num; print q{.)</B> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> <P> <BR> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="editgd.cgi"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="zone" VALUE="}; print $zone; print q{"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="name" VALUE="}; print $name; print q{"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="num" VALUE="}; print $num; print q{"> <TABLE BORDER> <TR> <TD>Település neve:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Siedlung</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Name of settlement</FONT>)</TD> <TD> <B>}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-name\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{</B> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Adatfelvétel dátuma:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Datum der Datenaufname</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Year of survery</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="date" SIZE=12 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-date\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Tulajdonos neve:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Besitzer</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Owner</FONT>) </TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="owner" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-owner\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Ajánlatot tevõ szervezet neve:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Angebotsgeber</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Tenders invited by</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="tender" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-tender\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Címe:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Adresse</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Address</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="address" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-address\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Telefon/Fax:</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="phone" SIZE=12 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-phone\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Kontakt személy:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Kontaktmann</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Contact person</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="contact" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-contact\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Ingatlan pontos helye:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Ort der Immobilien</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Exact place of real estate</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="exact" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-exact\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Helyrajzi száma:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Parzellenzahl</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">No. in cadastral survey</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="no" SIZE=12 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-no\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Esetleges terhei:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Belastungen</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Mortgage (if any)</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="mortgage" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-mortgage\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Jelenlegi Hasznosítás:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Derzeitige Anwendung</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Present util.</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="presentutil" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-presentutil\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Hasznosítási javaslat:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Empfehlung für Anwendung</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Proposal for util.</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="proposal" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-proposal\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE BORDER> <TR> <TD>Hasznosítás formája:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Art der Anwendung</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Form of utilization</FONT>)</TD> <TD>Társulás<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Vereinigung</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Association</FONT>)</TD> <TD>Bérlet<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Vermieten</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Leasing</FONT>)</TD> <TD>Eladás<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Verkauf</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Sale</FONT>)</TD> <TD>Ár:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Preis</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Price</FONT>)</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><INPUT NAME="formutil" SIZE=15 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-formutil\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="association" SIZE=15 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-association\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="leasing" SIZE=15 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-leasing\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="sale" SIZE=15 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-sale\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="price" SIZE=15 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-price\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <B>Az ingatlan jellege</B><BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="jelleg" ROWS=10 COLS=80 WRAP=SOFT>}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-jelleg\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $j=''; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\/B\>/i) { $lines[$i]=~s/\<B\>//gi; $j.=$lines[$i++]; } $lines[$i]=~s/\<B\>//gi; $lines[$i]=~s/\<\/B\>//gi; $j.=$lines[$i]; $j=~s/\<BR\>//gi; print $j; print q{</TEXTAREA> <P><B>Az ingatlan funkciója</B><BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="function" ROWS=10 COLS=80 WRAP=SOFT>}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-function\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $j=''; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\/B\>/i) { $lines[$i]=~s/\<B\>//gi; $j.=$lines[$i++]; } $lines[$i]=~s/\<B\>//gi; $lines[$i]=~s/\<\/B\>//gi; $j.=$lines[$i]; $j=~s/\<BR\>//gi; print $j; print q{</TEXTAREA> <TABLE BORDER> <TR> <TD>Alapterület:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Grösse</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Area</FONT>) </TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="area" SIZE=6 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-area\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) m\<SUP\>2\<\/SUP\>\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"> m<SUP>2</SUP></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Becsült érték:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Prognostisiertes Wert</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Estimated value</FONT>)</TD> <TD> <INPUT NAME="value" SIZE=6 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-value\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) 1000 HUF\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"> 1000 HUF </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Beépítettség:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Einbaustufe</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Built in</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="builtin" SIZE=5 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-builtin\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) m\<SUP\>2\<\/SUP\>\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"> m<SUP>2</SUP></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Belmagasság:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Innenhöhe</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Inside height</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="height" SIZE=5 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-height\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) m\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"> m</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Homlokzati szélesség:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Breite der Fassade</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Frontal width</FONT>) </TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="width" SIZE=5 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-width\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) m\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"> m</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Építés éve:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Baujahr</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Building year</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="building" SIZE=5 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-building\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Felújítás éve:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Jahr der Renovierung</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Year of reconstruction</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="reconstruction" SIZE=4 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-reconstruction\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Szilárd burkolatú úton megközelíthetõ-e:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Erreichbar auf der Straße mit fester Oberfläche</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Accessible by hard surface road</FONT>) </TD> <TD> <SELECT NAME="access" SIZE=1> }; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-access\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) \(\<FONT /i; if ($1 eq 'igen') { print q{<OPTION SELECTED>igen <OPTION>nem}; } elsif ($1 eq 'nem') { print q{<OPTION>igen <OPTION SELECTED>nem}; } else { print "ERROR!"; } print q{</SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Távolsága fõútvonaltól:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Entfernung von der Landstrasse</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Distance from main road</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="road_distance" SIZE=5 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-road_distance\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) km\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"> km</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Távolsága vasútvonaltól:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Entfernung von der Eisenbahn</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Distance from railway</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="rail_distance" SIZE=5 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-rail_distance\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) km\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"> km</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Telefon fõvonalak száma:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Anzahl der Telefonlinien</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Number of telephone lines</FONT>)</TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="phone_number" SIZE=12 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-phone_number\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) db\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"> db</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Víz:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Wasser</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Water</FONT>)</TD> <TD> <SELECT NAME="water" SIZE=1> }; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-water\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) \(\<FONT /i; if ($1 eq 'van') { print q{<OPTION SELECTED>van <OPTION>nincs}; } elsif ($1 eq 'nincs') { print q{<OPTION>van <OPTION SELECTED>nincs}; } else { print "ERROR!"; } print q{ </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Gáz:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Gas</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Gas</FONT>)</TD> <TD> <SELECT NAME="gas" SIZE=1> }; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-gas\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) \(\<FONT /i; if ($1 eq 'van') { print q{<OPTION SELECTED>van <OPTION>nincs}; } elsif ($1 eq 'nincs') { print q{<OPTION>van <OPTION SELECTED>nincs}; } else { print "ERROR!"; } print q{ </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Elektromos áram:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Elektrizität</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Electricity</FONT>)</TD> <TD> <SELECT NAME="electricity" SIZE=1> }; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-electricity\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) \(\<FONT /i; if ($1 eq 'van') { print q{<OPTION SELECTED>van <OPTION>nincs}; } elsif ($1 eq 'nincs') { print q{<OPTION>van <OPTION SELECTED>nincs}; } else { print "ERROR!"; } print q{ </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Csatorna:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Kanalisation</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Canalization</FONT>)</TD> <TD> <SELECT NAME="canal" SIZE=1> }; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-canal\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*) \(\<FONT /i; if ($1 eq 'van') { print q{<OPTION SELECTED>van <OPTION>nincs}; } elsif ($1 eq 'nincs') { print q{<OPTION>van <OPTION SELECTED>nincs}; } else { print "ERROR!"; } print q{ </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Állaga:<BR> (<FONT COLOR="#0000A0">Zustand</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#008000">Condition</FONT>) </TD> <TD><INPUT NAME="condition" SIZE=50 VALUE="}; while ($lines[$i]!~/\<\!\-\-condition\-\-\>/i) { $i++; } $i++; $lines[$i]=~/\<B\>(.*)\<\/B\>/i; print $1; print q{"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <TABLE WIDTH=100%> <TR> <TD ALIGN=LEFT> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=" Módosítás elvégzése " </TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGTH> <INPUT TYPE=RESET VALUE="Eredeti állapot"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> };