to Sopron, named
Scarbantia by the Romans, known in German as
Ödenburg. Greetings on behalf of Civitas Fidelissima - the Most Faithful
City - a title Sopron has proudly born since it voted to remain part of
Hungary as a result of the referendum held on 14th December 1921 that was
an outcome of the World War I peace treaty. It is Hungary's westernmost
city and the only one in the country with a virtually intact medieval nucleus.
Our first walk invites you to become acquainted with this area.
The second
route, following the line of the erstwhile moat, will encompass Várkerület
(Fort Perimeter) that accommodates Sopron's lively commercial life.
you, after these walks, feel like venturing further out, we may continue
by taking in points of interest such as Deák tér (Deák
Square) and the Lõver Hills, Sopron's villa and holiday quarter
watched over from on high by Károly kilátó (Charles
Walks . . . * Welcome * 1. walk * 2. walk * 3. walk * 4. walk